
For course providers

Does your institution offer an academic course for the maritime industry, apply for Pamas certification now. Through Pamas certification, you demonstrate that your course meets the quality that the maritime industry requires from courses. You course will be included in the certified program that the maritime industry and knowledge institutions use for the development of their technical staff.


After registration you can submit your course for certification. an independent evaluation committee composed of experts from industry and knowledge institutes evaluates the course regarding the quality criteria that have been established by companies and knowledge institutions. After a positive review, your course is Pamas-certified, will be included in the overview and will be promoted to the business. More information may be found in the certification protocol .

Click the button below if you want to login as registered provider or if you want to register as new course provider


Evaluation scheme

The evaluation committee distinguishes four steps in assessing certification applications, see diagram below. The committee also looks how evaluations by students are used to improve the course, if necessary.

Evaluation scheme

If any questions remain, send an email to info@pamaskeurmerk.nl or contact us by phone at +31(0)6 1239 0857

Quality and evaluation criteria

The materials are evaluated by the evaluation committee on the following quality criteria. Per quality criterion, evaluation criteria are set.

  1. Provision of information
    • Entry demands are clearly formulated
    • The course has clear and measurable learning objectives
    • Clearly indicated which course materials and teaching methods are used and how the course materials are used.
    • Duration and workload are clearly described
  2. Program content and testing
    • The program is aimed at maritime practice, is up-to-date and at academic level
    • Entry level, course contents and size of the course are selected such that is reasonable to expect that participants can achieve the learning objectives.
    • Title, learning objectives, teaching methods and contents are consistent
    • Examination (knowing/understanding/applying) is coupled to the learning objectives and it is clear how and by whom it is done.
  3. Course materials, facilities and use of staff
    • Used materials and facilities are up-to-date
    • Teachers possess proven knowledge and (broad) experience in advising on and application of the course contents
  4. Internal quality care
    • Evaluation by participants and teachers
    • Use of evaluation results for changes to course